19 Maret 2009


Wi-Fi (IPA: /ˈwaɪfaɪ/) is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance, founded in 1999 as Wireless Internet Compatibility Alliance (WICA), comprising more than 300 companies, whose products are certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance, based on the IEEE 802.11 standards (also called Wireless LAN (WLAN) and Wi-Fi). This certification warrants interoperability between different wireless devices.

The alliance was founded because many products did not correctly implement IEEE 802.11 and some included proprietary extensions. This led to incompatibilities between products from different manufacturers.

The Wi-Fi Alliance tests the wireless components to their own terms of reference. Products that pass become Wi-Fi certified and may carry the Wi-Fi logo. Only products of Wi-Fi Members are tested, because they pay membership and per-item fees. Absence of the Wi-Fi logo does not necessarily mean non-compliance with the standard.

In France, Poland, the United States, and some other countries, the term Wi-Fi often is used by the public as a synonym for wireless Internet (WLAN); but not every wireless Internet product has a Wi-Fi certification, which may be because of certification costs that must be paid for each certified device type.

Wi-Fi certification is provided for technology used in home networks, mobile phones, video games, and other devices that require wireless networking. It covers IEEE 802.11 standards, including 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n.

Wi-Fi is supported by most personal computer operating systems, many game consoles, laptops, smartphones, printers, and other peripherals.


WiMAX, meaning Worldwide Inter-operability for Microwave Access, is a telecommunications technology that provides wireless transmission of data using a variety of transmission modes, from point-to-multipoint links to portable and fully mobile internet access. The technology provides up to 72 Mbit/s symmetric broadband speed without the need for cables. The technology is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard (also called Broadband Wireless Access). The name "WiMAX" was created by the WiMAX Forum, which was formed in June 2001 to promote conformity and interoperability of the standard. The forum describes WiMAX as "a standards-based technology enabling the delivery of last mile wireless broadband access as an alternative to cable and DSL".


The terms "fixed WiMAX", "mobile WiMAX", "802.16d" and "802.16e" are frequently used incorrectly. Correct definitions are the following:

* 802.16-2004 is often called 802.16d, since that was the working party that developed the standard. It is also frequently referred to as "fixed WiMAX" since it has no support for mobility.
* 802.16e-2005 is an amendment to 802.16-2004 and is often referred to in shortened form as 802.16e. It introduced support for mobility, amongst other things and is therefore also known as "mobile WiMAX".

18 Maret 2009


Some definitions

Definitions specific to subfields are common. For example, in information theory, a signal is a codified message, that is, the sequence of states in a communication channel that encodes a message.

In the context of signal processing, arbitrary binary data streams are not considered as signals, but only analog and digital signals that are representations of analog physical quantities.

In a communication system, a transmitter encodes a message into a signal, which is carried to a receiver by the communications channel. For example, the words "Mary had a little lamb" might be the message spoken into a telephone. The telephone transmitter converts the sounds into an electrical voltage signal. The signal is transmitted to the receiving telephone by wires; and at the receiver it is reconverted into sounds.

In telephone networks, signalling, for example common channel signalling, refers to phone number and other digital control information rather than the actual voice signal.

Signals can be categorized in various ways. The most common distinction is between discrete and continuous spaces that the functions are defined over, for example discrete and continuous time domains. Discrete-time signals are often referred to as time series in other fields. Continuous-time signals are often referred to as continuous signals even when the signal functions are not continuous; an example is a square-wave signal.

A second important distinction is between discrete-valued and continuous-valued. Digital signals are sometimes defined as discrete-valued sequencies of quantified values, that may or may not be derived from an underlying continuous-valued physical process. In other contexts, digital signals are defined as the continuous-time waveform signals in a digital system, representing a bit-stream. In the first case, a signal that is generated by means of a digital modulation method is considered as converted to an analog signal, while it is considered as a digital signal in the second case.

12 Maret 2009

10 Reasons to Smile

1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood

3. Smiling Is Contagious

4. Smiling Relieves Stress

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive


Wise Meaning

(v.) Dictated or guided by wisdom; containing or exhibiting wisdom; well adapted to produce good effects; judicious; discreet; as, a wise saying; a wise scheme or plan; wise conduct or management; a wise determination.
(v.) Having knowledge; knowing; enlightened; of extensive information; erudite; learned.
(v.) Versed in art or science; skillful; dexterous; specifically, skilled in divination.
(v.) Hence, prudent; calculating; shrewd; wary; subtle; crafty.
(v.) Hence, especially, making due use of knowledge; discerning and judging soundly concerning what is true or false, proper or improper; choosing the best ends and the best means for accomplishing them; sagacious.
(v.) Way of being or acting; manner; mode; fashion.

11 Maret 2009


Happiness is a state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.[1] A variety of philosophical, religious, psychological and biological approaches have been taken to defining happiness and identifying its sources.

Philosophers and religious thinkers have often defined happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness in this older sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is still used in virtue ethics. In everyday speech today, however, terms such as well-being or quality of life are usually used to signify the classical meaning, and happiness is reserved[citation needed] for the felt experience or experiences that philosophers historically called pleasure.

Happiness forms a central theme of Buddhist teachings, which focuses on obtaining freedom from suffering by following the Eightfold Path. In the Buddhist view, ultimate happiness is only achieved by overcoming craving in all forms. Aristotle saw happiness as "the virtuous activity of the soul in accordance with reason," or the practice of virtue. In Catholicism, the ultimate end of human existence consists in felicity, or "blessed happiness", described by the thirteenth-century philosopher-theologian Thomas Aquinas as a Beatific Vision of God's essence in the next life.[2] One psychological approach, positive psychology, describes happiness as consisting of positive emotions and positive activities. In most religions, happiness is the eternal reward for those who meet certain criteria.[citation needed]

While direct measurement of happiness is difficult, tools such as The Oxford Happiness Inventory have been developed by researchers. Physiological correlates to happiness can be measured through a variety of techniques, and survey research can be based on self-reported happiness levels.

Research has identified a number of correlates with happiness. These include religious involvement, parenthood, marital status, age, income and proximity to other happy people. Happiness economics suggests that measures of public happiness should be used to supplement more traditional economic measures when evaluating the success of public policy.


Christopher Jay Lisle
Sadness in his eyes,
Is he about to cry,
Something must be hurting him,
But I don’t know why.

As he looks away,
Is he afraid,
I want to help,
But I don’t know the way.

Look at his frown,
He is so down,
A little embarrassed,
For what they have not found.

Because he is in a state of despair,
And no one cares,
That he himself,
Looks down to nowhere.

Rhapsody on a Windy Night

T. S. Elliot
Twelve o'clock.
Along the reaches of the street
Held in a lunar synthesis,
Whispering lunar incantations
Disolve the floors of memory
And all its clear relations,
Its divisions and precisions,
Every street lamp that I pass
Beats like a fatalistic drum,
And through the spaces of the dark
Midnight shakes the memory
As a madman shakes a dead geranium.

Half-past one,
The street lamp sputtered,
The street lamp muttered,
The street lamp said,
"Regard that woman
Who hesitates toward you in the light of the door
Which opens on her like a grin.
You see the border of her dress
Is torn and stained with sand,
And you see the corner of her eye
Twists like a crooked pin."

The memory throws up high and dry
A crowd of twisted things;
A twisted branch upon the beach
Eaten smooth, and polished
As if the world gave up
The secret of its skeleton,
Stiff and white.
A broken spring in a factory yard,
Rust that clings to the form that the strength has left
Hard and curled and ready to snap.

Half-past two,
The street-lamp said,
"Remark the cat which flattens itself in the gutter,
Slips out its tongue
And devours a morsel of rancid butter."
So the hand of the child, automatic,
Slipped out and pocketed a toy that was running along
the quay.
I could see nothing behind that child's eye.
I have seen eyes in the street
Trying to peer through lighted shutters,
And a crab one afternoon in a pool,
An old crab with barnacles on his back,
Gripped the end of a stick which I held him.

Half-past three,
The lamp sputtered,
The lamp muttered in the dark.

The lamp hummed:
"Regard the moon,
La lune ne garde aucune rancune,
She winks a feeble eye,
She smiles into corners.
She smooths the hair of the grass.
The moon has lost her memory.
A washed-out smallpox cracks her face,
Her hand twists a paper rose,
That smells of dust and old Cologne,
She is alone With all the old nocturnal smells
That cross and cross across her brain.
The reminiscence comes
Of sunless dry geraniums
And dust in crevices,
Smells of chestnuts in the streets
And female smells in shuttered rooms
And cigarettes in corridors
And cocktail smells in bars."

The lamp said,
"Four o'clock,
Here is the number on the door.
You have the key,
The little lamp spreads a ring on the stair,
The bed is open; the tooth-brush hangs on the wall,
Put your shoes at the door, sleep, prepare for life."

The last twist of the knife.

10 Maret 2009

All By Myself

When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Livin alone
I think of all the friends Ive known
When I dial the telephone
Nobodys home

All by myself
Dont wanna be
All by myself

Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel so insecure
And loves so distant and obscure
Remains the cure

All by myself
Dont wanna be
All by myself
All by myself
Dont wanna live
All by myself

When I was young
I never needed anyone
Making love was just for fun
Those days are gone

All by myself
Dont wanna be
All by myself
All by myself
Dont wanna live
Dont wanna live
By myself, by myself
By myself
All by myself
Dont wanna live
I never, never, never
Needed anyone

Aku Sahabatmu Yang Mencintaimu

Salahkah diriku ini

pabila rasa ini ada
di hatiku

Kau memang sahabatku
kau memang teman baikku
dan aku jatuh cinta padamu

Sakit di hatiku bila aku melihat
kau tak tersenyum karena cintamu sedang terluka
dia menyakitimu dan aku sakit karenanya

Kau ingin cinta sejati
kau ingin ketulusan hati

Biarkan kunyatakan aku mencintaimu
biarkan aku datang di dalam hatimu
biarkan kuakhiri rasa sakit di hatimu

Karena aku sahabat mu
aku yang dengan tulus mencintaimu

Very-large-scale integration

Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of creating integrated circuits by combining thousands of transistor-based circuits into a single chip. VLSI began in the 1970s when complex semiconductor and communication technologies were being developed. The microprocessor is a VLSI device. The term is no longer as common as it once was, as chips have increased in complexity into the hundreds of millions of transistors.


The first semiconductor chips held one transistor each. Subsequent advances added more and more transistors, and, as a consequence, more individual functions or systems were integrated over time. The first integrated circuits held only a few devices, perhaps as many as ten diodes, transistors, resistors and capacitors, making it possible to fabricate one or more logic gates on a single device. Now known retrospectively as “small-scale integration” (SSI), improvements in technique led to devices with hundreds of logic gates, known as large-scale integration (LSI), i.e. systems with at least a thousand logic gates. Current technology has moved far past this mark and today’s microprocessors have many millions of gates and hundreds of millions of individual transistors.

At one time, there was an effort to name and calibrate various levels of large-scale integration above VLSI. Terms like Ultra-large-scale Integration (ULSI) were used. But the huge number of gates and transistors available on common devices has rendered such fine distinctions moot. Terms suggesting greater than VLSI levels of integration are no longer in widespread use. Even VLSI is now somewhat quaint, given the common assumption that all microprocessors are VLSI or better.

As of early 2008, billion-transistor processors are commercially available, an example of which is Intel’s Montecito Itanium chip. This is expected to become more commonplace as semiconductor fabrication moves from the current generation of 65 nm processes to the next 45 nm generations (while experiencing new challenges such as increased variation across process corners). Another notable example is Nvidia’s 280 series GPU. This microprocessor is unique in the fact that its 1.4 Billion transistor count, capable of a teraflop of performance, is almost entirely dedicated to logic (Itanium’s transistor count is largely due to the 24MB L3 cache). Current designs, as opposed to the earliest devices, use extensive design automation and automated logic synthesis to lay out the transistors, enabling higher levels of complexity in the resulting logic functionality. Certain high-performance logic blocks like the SRAM cell, however, are still designed by hand to ensure the highest efficiency (sometimes by bending or breaking established design rules to obtain the last bit of performance by trading stability)

Generator and Motor

Identical hand-cranked generators can be used to show that a generator can function as a motor and vice versa. If mechanical energy is put into the one of the devices by turning the crank, electrical energy can be produced. If that electrical energy in the form of voltage is applied to the other, then mechanical energy can be produced (motor action).

In the video below, the crank of one of the devices is turned to put in mechanical energy, resulting in electrical energy at the output. The handle of the other device is turned because electrical input is operating it as a motor. The last segment of the film lines up the handles of the devices and then turns the generator 1 turn. You can observe that the handle of the “motor” turns about 60% of a turn, indicating an efficiency of about 60% for the generator/motor exchange. But that is almost twice the efficiency of the electric generation system of the U.S., which yields electricity at about 33% efficiency! The reason is that this generator/motor pair does not have to go through the “thermal bottleneck” imposed by the second law of thermodynamics on the common electrical generation plants which operate as heat engines.

The high efficiency of the transfer of energy from a generator to a motor finds widespread application in the operation of diesel-electric locomotives. It is difficult to mechanically transfer energy from the powerful diesel engines to the wheels of the locomotive which have low-friction metal-to-metal contact with the steel rails. So the power of the diesel engines is used to run a generator, and the generated electric power is used to operate electric traction motors to drive the wheels. The generated electric power can be very slowly and smoothly transferred to the wheels by the electric motors which drive the axles. You don’t “pop the clutch” on a big locomotive with steel-on-steel wheels! You would just sit and spin the wheels until you melted the rails.


Amplifier Tube & Transistor


Ampli jenis ini sebenarnya dulu diciptakan untuk pemakaian Home Audio Power& preamp. karena dengan sistem tabung sound sangat khas , lebar dan ber isi .. maka di coba & di pakailah untuk pemakaian ampli gitar & bass !
pelopor untuk jenis ampli tube guitar & bass dunia adalah : Fender , Gibson , Musicman dan Marshall

kelebihan ampli jenis Tube ini dapat menghasilkan sound yg Warm , Big Punch !
dan sangat bebeda dengan jenis TRansistor yang masih ada terdengar sound kurang begitu Berat dan Big Power !!

Ada Perbedaan tenaga Transistor & Tabung , ampli tabung menggunakan High Voltage 250 volt untuk preamp & bisa sampai 1000 volt untuk power !! voltase tinggi karena untuk mengidupkan Tube atau lampu pijar yg hanya bisa dihidupkan dengan Voltase tinggi . Maka jangan sekali-kali kita memegang aliran arus DC tube .. jika kita tidak ingin membahayakan diri kita !!

Yang dikatakan betul-betul ampli Tube .. adalah bila kedua bagian ampli nya menggunakan Tube atau tabung . Pream nya & Power nya ! ampli tube in dapat maksimal sound nya dengan sistem pemanasan bertahap . mengingat Tabung adalah lampu pijar maka saat panas tabung nya .. sound akan keluar dengan Maksimal ( Full Tube ) . maka di tabung selalu ada Power & standby .. power untuk menghidupkan seluruh ampli dan Stanby untuk meng istirahatkan pemakaian ampli tetapi tidak termasuk mematikan Tabung yg sedang menyala .. artinya sound tidak berfungsi tetapi tabung di biarkan menyala panas agar sound tetap stabil ! tinggal hidupkan lagi stanby maka ampli dapat kita gunakan lagi dengan sound yg masih tetap sama kualitasnya !

berbeda dengan Transistor . sistem output tabung menggunakan lagi Penguat daya Travo … yg dikatakan sebagai Tranformer Output !! jika dalam ampli Transistor ini tidak terjadi . mengapa karena dalam dunia output tabung akan ada terjadi Impedansi 1 Ohm sampai 3 ohm .. ini untuk menyesuaikan impedansi antara tabung dan speaker , dimana spekaer mempunyai impedansi 4 Ohm s/d 16 ohm !!

di luar keunggulan Produk ampli tabung , memang ada kelemahan nya .. Ampli tabung tidak bisa menyemburkan sound yang Modern ,tetapi selalu ada sound Vintage terbawa .. karena memang itulah ciri khas ampli Tube atau tabung . makanya saat ini banyak ampli tabung menggunakan sistem simulator sound .. agar sound bisa terdengar lebih modern ….

Ampli jenis ini perawatannya pun dibilang tidak mudah . Dalam jangka pemakaian 2000 jam kemungkinan Tube harus di ganti karena emisi tube yang berkurang .. dan berpengaruh besar terhadap suara ! harga tube nya pun tidak murah . dari kelas 60.000 hingga kelas 300.000 an per/ TUbe nya .. bisa dibayangkan jika di ampli tube terdapat lebih dari 5 Tube berapa biaya yg harus di keluarkan untuk membeli Tube nya saja.

jenis Tube untuk power & preamp Tube beragam type nya sesuai karakter suara yg akan keluar nantinya seperti jenis EL 36 ,12AX 7 , 6L6 , 12AT7 . dan sebagainya dengan perusahaan pembuat tube yg berbeda seperti Electro Harmonic , Glassovic , Softex dsb ..

keterbatasan jenis ampli ini tidak dapat menyemburkan Sound yng Full Modern. karena itu hanya akan di Dapatkan pada jenis preamp yg di perkuat Transistor bukan Tube !! makanya saat ini banyak perushaan pembuat ampli menerapkan sistem Transtube , yg artinya ada penggabungan dua komponen Tabung untuk Power & transistor untuk Preamp ……atau sebaliknya !!

Mengingat Harga sebuah ampli bass/gitar tabung cukup mahal maka hanya sebagian orang saja yg bisa memiliki nya .. ampli dengan jenis ini memang ada juga pada jenis untuk Ampli Bass , tetapi lebih populer untuk kebutuhan ampli gitar , karena seorang pemain gitar harus memainkan sound yg beraneka ragam dengan gempuran Drive yg tebal … saat ini banyak perusahaan ampli bass ber alih ke sistem tube ini seperti Phill Jhone , Glokkenlank , Ampeg dan merek ternama lainnya !!

Untuk komponen ampli tabung harus yg mempunyai kualitas kelas A , karena banyak resiko jika menggunakan komponen kelas ringan . seumpama PCB saja harus sangat tahan panas akibat rambatan panas Tabung kepada PCB yang cukup Panas ! kabel harus kelas tinggi , mengingat jangan sampai di aliri daya voltase tinggi kabel meleleh .


Z Transform

In mathematics and signal processing, the Z-transform converts a discrete time-domain signal, which is a sequence of real or complex numbers, into a complex frequency-domain representation. It is like a discrete equivalent of the Laplace transform. This similarity is explored in the theory of time scale calculus. The Z-transform and advanced Z-transform were introduced (under the Z-transform name) by E. I. Jury in 1958 in Sampled-Data Control Systems (John Wiley & Sons). The idea contained within the Z-transform was previously known as the “generating function method”. Definition The Z-transform, like many other integral transforms, can be defined as either a one-sided or two-sided transform.

Bilateral Z-transform The bilateral or two-sided Z-transform of a discrete-time signal x[n] is the function X(z) defined as

where n is an integer and z is, in general, a complex number: z = Aejφ (OR) z = A(cosφ + jsinφ) where A is the magnitude of z, and φ is the complex argument (also referred to as angle or phase) in radians.

Unilateral Z-transform Alternatively, in cases where x[n] is defined only for n ≥ 0, the single-sided or unilateral Z-transform is defined as

In signal processing, this definition is used when the signal is causal.

An important example of the unilateral Z-transform is the probability-generating function, where the component x[n] is the probability that a discrete random variable takes the value n, and the function X(z) is usually written as X(s), in terms of s = z − 1. The properties of Z-transforms (below) have useful interpretations in the context of probability theory.

Mother Theresa’s wise words

“God admires us not for what we do but for how much love we put into what we do.
Together let us build a chain of love around the world.”

“In the developed countries there is a poverty of intimacy,
a poverty of spirit, of loneliness, of lack of love.
There is no greater sickness in the world today than that one.”

“We cannot all do great things.But we can do small things with great love.”

Dalai Lama’s wise words

“My message is the practice of compassion, love, and kindness.
Compassion can be put into practice if one recognizes the fact
that every human being is a member of humanity and
the human family regardless of differences in religion, culture, color, and creed.
Deep down there is no difference.”

“We should try never to let our happy frame of mind be disturbed.
Whether we are suffering at present or have suffered in the past,
there is no reason to be unhappy. If we can remedy it, why be unhappy?
And if we cannot, what use is there in being depressed about it?
That just adds more unhappiness and does no good at all.”

“By developing a sense of respect for others and a concern for their welfare,
we reduce our own selfishness, which is the source of all problems,
and enhance our sense of kindness which is a natural source of goodness.”

“This is my simple religion.
There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy.
Our own brain, our own heart is our temple;
the philosophy is kindness.”

Martin L. King’s wise words

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.
You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.
You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.
You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love”.

Albert Einstein’s wise words

“A human being is part of the whole, called by us the ‘universe’,
a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself,
his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest
-a kind of optical delusion of consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to
our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening
our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
“With all my heart I believe the present system of sovereign nations
can lead only to war, barbarism, inhumanity, and
only through world law can we assure progress toward civilization.”
” The ideals that lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage
to face life cheerfully have been Kindness, Beauty and Truth.”

Happiness Quotations

Chinese proverb:
If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid one hundred days of sorrow.

George Matthew Adams:
If you have nothing else to do, look about you and see if there isn’t something close at hand that you can improve! It may make you wealthy, thought it is more likely that it will make you happy.

Coretta Scott King:
I’m fulfilled in what I do… I never thought that a lot of money or fine clothes-the finer things of life-would make you happy. My concept of happiness is to be filled in a spiritual sense.

John Ruskin:
In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: They must be fit for it: They must not do too much of it: And they must have a sense of success in it.

Richard Bach:
In the path of our happiness shall we find the learning for which we have chosen this lifetime.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh:
If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments.

Chinese Proverb:
If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.

The Dalai Lama:
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.